Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Katie and Scott Wedding ~ Rexburg Wedding Photographer

There are so many things I loved about this wedding I don't even know where to start. How about with the bride & groom - could they be any more stunning? I think not. Katie is such a beautiful bride & Scott looked dashing in his white pin stripe suite - and together they are absolutely breath-taking! I LOVE the colors & how vibrant the whole day was. The bridal party was a hoot, too (you'll see in the photos) Scott is good friends with Cody and so I've worked with some of these boys before in Texas.... they totally crack me up! The luncheon was delicious barbecue from 2 Buds' BBQ and the reception had some pretty delectable desserts! I think everyone that knows them agrees that Katie and Scott are perfect for each other. They truly share a story book love! Let's see some proof, eh?

1 comment:

walkintheclark said...

their kids are gonna have some great teeth!! steph i really want you to do some pictures for me! maybe once i pop this baby out we could schedule a family session?? :) you are so talented!!!